Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Through Many Many Reincarnations, We Learn ...

Everything that is of moral can be defined in terms of the everlasting care-for all Oneness that I have defined in my other blog. It is Oneness that defines the individual, whereas it is evil that stands for that the individual should pretend as if nothing about that it is oneness that makes it real, gives it a possibility to be an individual. Thus an individual spirit can reincarnate into an immense span of various different contexts of other individual spirits. Occasionally, it may run into contexts when it is more or less natural for it to be more or less immoral, in a way that exposes it's bad sides.

An individual person, in the sense of for example a human being, is very much a conglomerate of spiritual persons. It thus serves as a context for a whole lot of individual spirits  -  or, just as much, it is and serves as a container of spiritual beings that are contexts for each other. Occasionally, again, such  -  and other  -  contexts where it is more or less natural for them to be more or less immoral, in a way that exposes its bad sides. ...

Which contexts each spirituality has is determined partly by karma. Thereby there is always at least something the justice of reciprocity in each and every context of a life. But there are also very many other aspects of life that must be regarded. The perhaps most important one of those is that to the extent one expects too much or too little of one phenomenon or another, then one will have to deal with that phenomenon in a coming reincarnation, sooner or later that is, even without that karma has it that that aught to happen.

To this comes that as soul spiritualities mature, they more and more need to take decisive stands about issues that concern what they have learned from experience. Sooner or later a soul spirituality can come to the stage when it must devote itself to its own attitudes, so that it can continue having them.The state of final Nirvana relies upon its handling of that stage for conforming itself to stabilize that spiritualty's existence in such a state. That is, there are two stages of Nirvana (or so-to-speak) even before that. But those stages are not totally stable. Instead they end, and reincarnation starts again, this time, though, with an insight capacity to that spirituality. In a sense, one can say  that after the first time around, the spirituality actually has a soul to it. And upon the second time around, it can persuade itself to realize the would-be weaknesses it had, were it not for that soul!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Spiritualities Substantiate ...

... in various ways in various universe versions.

Each such substantiation can be called a reincarnation of it. Seven-type spiritualities can be called souls. ... That is by one definition of it, according to which a spirit mostly should be seen as the five-type of spirituality. ... But what is soul and what is spirit can be defined in other ways, which I consider to be as important.

But it is not only seven-type, nor even only five- and seven-type, spiritualities reincarnate. Those that do are basically those that do not involve a factor of blind prejudice. But karma in itself does not reincarnate; but spiritualities that do include a karma factor do. Oneness does not reincarnate in itself either, but is a co-factor of any spirituality that can.

It is quite possible for spiritualities to reincarnate outside of what we call the universe, and it is very usual for them to reincarnate in very many versions at the same time. It is even usual for them have several simultaneous reincarnations within the same universe version. ... Most outside versions of a universe differ from ours in how complex views of spirituality they have. But some I believe vary from ours in only other ways  -  but I cannot, as of yet, figure out what these other ways are. ...

It is  -  of course  -  not so much our bodies, but those spiritualities that are the actual individual beings of real eternity. ... But in another sense, we really are that as well. But we hardly at all have the ability to reproduce ourselves without them doing it more than we do. It is only when we are of matter that we actually can. ... In a a bodily person, such as a human being, some spiritualities come to the person by physical inheritance, others come there by reincarnation. Thereby personal qualities, attitudes and so, are only partly inherited. On the other hand the reincarnation spiritualities have reasons  -  pertaining to their interests and to their karma  -  to reincarnate to the kind of body they do.

Another definition of the soul than the above-mentioned is that it pertains to all spiritualities that are of reincarnation. Then the spirit consists of all spiritualities that are of bodily inheritance. A third one involves that the bodily inheritance is not seen as either of them. Instead the logical part of it can be viewed as the spirit, and the softer, emotional, part of it as the soul. But that works almost only to the extent one has a soul that is also actually into humility, i.e. into seven, a bit as above. ...

Anyway, when a spirituality has only one representative (within the realm of certain time complexity level, such as ours, of time complexity), I believe, that spirit contributes to each reincarnation-based body-type person with an emotion of being superb and/or disillusioned but still aspiring for feeling superb. This I believe is because the bodily person of a reincarnation tends strongly to be able to represent each spirituality it pertains in essence to, as supreme to the extent it is original. As a result, usually, the reincarnation feels about him- her- or itself also that s/he or it can take risks others don't.

We Are Made of a Big Multitude of Spiritualities - each of which reincarnates differently upon death

Either one of all these spirtiualities can be penalized after the individual's death, to the extent it has caused evil in the former material individual being. Such penalties tend to influence the ghost of that individual to at least some extent. But more than one of the spiritualities in every person (in our sense) can very much mend the effects that those penalties for one spiritual aspect of the person on the individual as a whole. If either one of those needs to be penalized, though, then that resurrection of confidence does not work as well. It is mostly (and almost exclusive, I guess) then that Abrahamic religions and so speak of soul sale.