Saturday, August 31, 2019

My Views on the Afterlife

I believe that our souls do not reincarnate, only attitudes towards thoughts do. It is these that are trialed by karma. It is also these that are important for us in that they lead us to judge other beings in different ways. But, each persons soul is important for him, her or it, in that it reveals what that individual being's present life is about, and thus also what it's worth.

The soul is punishable for each and every quite evil aspiration. This is not really about the surface of evil aspirations. But it is about faking that one is moral or pretending evil is necessary for the good for all and everybody  -  or for otherwise humiliating the thought of God as good and just in the eternal sense.

One or two simple such offense/-s against morality leads to a preliminary purgatory, which one can escape from even before death. With each such offense, the soul is reduced, so that there is a significantly lower chance for heaven and higher risk for hell. After around thirteen or so offenses leads to no chance for heaven. More than sixteen offenses all in all is always enough for immediate and certain hell.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Parallel Worlds

In our world it's adequate to challenge norms and so in one's surroundings, by suggesting an inadequacy by seeing to it that there is a different type of life at hand for judgements against or for those norms. Such different types of life exist n parallel universes. Some of those we use more or less often for challenging the adequacy of those norms, persons or notions that we face.

I feel like describing (at least) one often used such parallel world. The one I prefer most to say something about is much about being very sinister about how to treat those who can't make visible a potential for obscurity or anonymity. For just about everyone's mind, it now and then happens that it reaches that parallel world. Each such individual being is then thereby able to ridicule some (otherwise) at least seemingly good enough not to be bullied.

Another parallel world that is often used, here on earth, can inspire appreciation of frivolity among those cunning of disdainful attitude. By this, one can have those who are losers be regarded as uninteresting. Many class systems in our world is based upon this parallel world's vanity of appreciation of those who can view themselves as better than others. ...

Together, those two parallel universes creates much misery and hardship. Together with those intuitions from such worlds, though, we can have it that one should care to know that things aren't always as good as they might seem. That is, injustices can be shown by those who realize what they are about, and perhaps feel threatened by them. They can be shown to be unjust without very much of the interference of those who mind due to those worlds' attempts to stop good from managing to resurrect itself.